The “That’s not how this works!” TOP GUN: MAVERICK trailer.

Look, I don’t begrudge Tom Cruise a paycheck, but lolwhut:

Dude would either be a general [ML: admiral, but the point still stands] by now, or out. Or a general [admiral] AND out; test pilots aren’t pushing sixty*, typically. I normally don’t let stuff like that bother me, but TOP GUN: MAVERICK is clearly determined to push the envelope when it comes to my suspension of disbelief, to thoroughly mix the metaphor. I dunno whether I can let it slide this time.

Moe Lane

*Dude either scored a critical success on his aging rolls, or else has the Greek God Asclepius for his plastic surgeon.

9 thoughts on “The “That’s not how this works!” TOP GUN: MAVERICK trailer.”

  1. If he would have graduated flight school the day the original movie came out, he would have to be an Admiral and/or out by now. Except he was already a Lieutenant, so minimum 4 years or so before the movie. That puts him at roughly 39 years service, and no one – no one – can serve beyond 40. Captains are, with rare exception, limited to a high year tenure of 30 years.

    1. I’ve heard this complaint since the first trailer was released and its valid…assuming the timeline for the film runs concurrent to reality. Has this been confirmed? The in- film universe could just as easily only have moved 25 years or so, eliminating most nitpicks.

        1. It bugs me because, well, I was in the Navy, for a while, and the original movie certainly didn’t hurt that decision. Don’t get me started on the Battle ship uniform screwups; that drives me to distraction.
          Anyway, This would have been better set 15-20 years ago. Just for the timeline. Which they could get away with since all the current aircraft (Super Hornets) were just arriving to the fleet.

  2. There was a very brief nod to this in the first trailer. One of his superior’s pointed out that he should be behind a desk already.

  3. Kid in the mustache is Goose’s son. Goose’s son is wild and reckless, and is the real maverick of the film. He also has a beef with Lt. Mitchell for killing his dad. They resolve their issues over the skies of North Korea while shooting down MiG-29s.

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