Fan Star Wars Film: KENOBI.

Watch KENOBI before the Mouse sweeps in.

Via Glenn Reynolds. Unless Disney has learned the lesson that George Lucas did: to wit, there’s nothing like letting the fans play in the sandbox for keeping their loyalty. This is extremely good, in terms of production values. In fact, if you didn’t know it was a fan film you’d assume that it was a proof-of-concept for a new Disney+ show. I mean that absolutely as a compliment.

So check it out.

2 thoughts on “Fan Star Wars Film: KENOBI.”

  1. I could dig it as a pilot for a TV show. He spends 10 years sowing distrust between the Empire and the Sand People. Occasionally sabotaging imperial records and patrols. Maybe a quick jaunt over to Ored Mandel. Using an old radio to keep track of the progress of the various rebellions. The occasional run in with dark force users who have detected the virgence in the force centered around the young Skywalker.
    Which leads to my personal cannon for why Luke being Skywalker wasn’t a problem: Tatooine was infested with Skywalkers, Starkillers, and Windspeakers. Pretty much every slave on the planet was taken from the native Sand People populations.

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