Mostly finding this on my phone, honestly: Business for the Right-Brained: (A Guide for Artists, Writers, Musicians, Dancers, Crafters, And All the Other Dreamers). The business aspects of all of this publishing stuff will be the primary focus of my February, probably. And I am so looking forward to it.
Yes, that’s sarcasm.
Just reading the blurb, at least it’s hitting the right points.
Also: One Of Us.
Out of curiosity, since you’re going Indie: Are you connected at all with others in that sphere who were perhaps “adjacent” to The Old Life?
I.e. I thought to myself surely you know someone who knows Sarah Hoyt et. al. who are both fellow genre writers and also fellow… erm, non-pinko-commies. And, I wonder if they would offer collaboration and/or commiseration?
:shrug: I seem to have been dropped fairly thoroughly.
That’s .. not a bad thing.
I will note that your name comes up, over on the Baen fandom site, every now and then ..
(mostly because I keep linking to stuff you’ve written in The Before Time and mentioning your name every time someone asks about potential new authors … I figure, if I want to read your books, it’s on me to help make sure they come into existence)