02/10/2020 Book Report.

Tonight… I go to an authors’ thing at the local library. I think that it’s time that I start doing things like that. If I want to be a better writer, then I should communicate with other writers, right? And I figure that goes both ways: I might have something to say that other people might find interesting.

Or something like that. Honestly, I was expecting to be more resistant to doing this sort of thing. Ego, you understand. I have one.

4 thoughts on “02/10/2020 Book Report.”

  1. The night of the fight,
    you may feel a slight
    sting. That’s pride
    fucking with you. Fuck pride.
    Pride only hurts, it never helps.

      1. I heard it that way the first time I saw it and I’ve never been able to hear it any other way.

  2. The writing bit sounds interesting, but the presence of actual human beings would probably spoil it for me. However, I hope it ends up being beneficial for you.

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