Ain’t that a sha… no, wait, crud, I have to pray for the man. I kind of don’t want to, which is all the more reason that I must. We are all sinners, after all. But, yeah, Harvey Weinstein’s convicted, and they won’t let him out before his sentencing.
Everything else I could say comes across as sanctimonious or even smug, and I don’t want to be that kind of person, so I’ll stop now.
The hardest thing about being a good christian is realising that, compared to Jesus, there isn’t much difference between me and, say, Stalin. I mean I haven’t killed millions of people in a vain attempt to prove that I am right, but I also haven’t had the chance.
Calling it a ‘vain ate attempt’ neighbor tippy even try is the type of defeatist attitude that’s standing in the way of your success.
Calling it a ‘vain attempt’ before even trying is the type of defeatist attitude that’s standing in the way of your success.
Damn you assumptive keyboard creator.
One wonders .. tangentially .. whether Mr. Lane would consider an In Nominee segment on just who’s responsible for auto-corrupt …
And Weinstein’s only real crime was no longer having a Clinton in office to run interference for him. In the alternate universe where HC steals the White House, Harvey is a free man. Still damned to hell, but free.
We have to pray that he repents of his evil and seeks forgiveness.
If he should experience the consequences of his previous behaviors firsthand, it may merely be an encouragement to seek salvation.
And I can’t argue against the justice of it.
When Jeffery Dahmer was sodomized to death with a mop handle, I cannot say with confidence that it was divinely ordained. But I certainly can’t rule out that possibility.
I did not do it. I did not wish it to happen But I can’t deny a feeling a sense of satisfaction that it did.
This seems .. a fitting musical send-of for ol’ Harv.
p.s. what, I’m under no obligation to be *nice* .. merely civil.