So today is a scramble (I’m calling this a ‘stayintine’).

Emergency school closings starting Monday and for some damned reason liquid witch hazel is apparently going to be a favored trade good in the post-apocalyptic world. Couldn’t find any for love, or especially money. Couldn’t find any more powdered milk, either — but THAT makes sense and we already got some anyway.

Ehh. We’ll be fine as long as society doesn’t collapse to the point where the electricity and/or Internet runs out. Although right now I’m trying to figure out whether ordering pizza for delivery is a good, or evil, act while the whatever-you-call this — “stayintine?” is going on. You could argue it either way.

3 thoughts on “So today is a scramble (I’m calling this a ‘stayintine’).”

  1. Get the pizza. These kids are hourly and need all the work they can get in this environment. So long as you keep your doorknocker clean I think you’ll be okay.

      1. Go high-tech .. have ’em text you when they’re getting close.
        Answering the door in full HAZMAT gear and with a broadsword or claymore on your hip may be overkill.

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