The STAR WARS: SQUADRONS reveal trailer.

…Get thee behind me, EA.

I’d need a controller for that for the PC, right? Yeah, I’d need a controller for that. So no can do wait if I had the right controller I could play the old X-WING and TIE FIGHTER games has them on its site for cheap NO NO NO MUST RESIST MUST RESIST

…Yeah. October 2nd: time to save vs. shiny.

4 thoughts on “The STAR WARS: SQUADRONS reveal trailer.”

  1. Your Xbox One controller should be fully compatible with your PC.
    Just sayin’.

      1. I get it.
        My Thrustmaster was like there coolest thing ever.
        But I also recall trying to look around in a flight sim, trying to turn without banking in the same, or having independent direction of travel/direction of facing in MechWarrior, or rolling being the only available evasion maneuver while trying to kick flaming hedgehogs in X-Wing/Tie Fighter.
        Nostalgia aside…
        I can dig it.

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