13 thoughts on “Be not afraid! MoeLane.com is just being updated.”

  1. Been having some trouble getting logged in to comment, maybe that’s getting fixed too?

      1. So far, I’m still havin’ to log in, then close the tab, do something else for several minutes, come back, and *then* I can post.
        I kinda miss the blimp and giraffe, by the way.

          1. Cool.
            The Maxfield Parrish piece always reminded me of something from Lee and Miller’s “Liaden” universe .. can’t find exactly which short it’s in, though.
            p.s. no, this is not a way to encourage people to buy all the Lee and Miller chapbooks from Pinbeam. ‘s also not discouraging ’em either, but I’m saving my money for Moe’s next book.

          1. Maybe it is these newfangled browsers. Maybe the hosting service is more aggressively caching things.

                  1. Good to see you again, and (riskin’ the shock collar here) thank you for keeping Lord Pollington’s site up and updated, it’s quite useful!
                    Oh, and for gettin’ Moe’s a somewhat overdue overhaul.

        1. So far the problem is gone in the new layout – If it pops up again the work-around I used was to log-in on a posting I didn’t want to comment on BEFORE opening the page I did.

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