The WONDER WOMAN 1984 trailer.

Some actual clues as to what the heck is going to happen in WONDER WOMAN 1984, so: huzzah! And spoilers. And no Commies being punched onscreen, which is a shame. Still, I am down.

Via @geeksaresexy.

2 thoughts on “The WONDER WOMAN 1984 trailer.”

  1. I am fairly certain that you would be down if the script for Wonder Woman 1984 started out as “Wonder Woman impersonates Jack Sparrow out of a soviet facility”.
    To be fair, I think most of us would be down with watching Gal Godot punch her way through communists. Or Nazis. Or Aliens. Or even the US army (though we would enjoy that one a lot less).

    1. I am fairly certain that you would be down if the script for Wonder Woman 1984 started out as “Wonder Woman impersonates Jack Sparrow out of a soviet facility”.

      I’d… give it a fair chance, sure.

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