Eh, it scans close enough for a headline.
People have questions. I just want to know if they got Nick Cage. Yes. I want a Spider-Man Noir movie. Honestly: why wouldn’t I? Why wouldn’t you?
Moe Lane
PS: Great praise to Into The Spider-Verse‘s Doc Ock, whose character managed to achieve tactical surprise, but Alfred Molina was amazing in Spider-Man 2. My wife raved about the robot arms, too – and when my wife raves about something robotic on the screen, take notice. She only does it when they get it right.
Spider-Man Noir is fine as a limited time secondary character in an ensemble cast. I feel like there’s a great danger that Nicolas Cage’s shtick would grow very thin as the main character.
IDK, maybe if they wrote him as less goofy and more straight ahead noir it could work.
Molina got the “beloved teacher turned nemesis” heel turn so right in the movie.