New title!
All she knew was, somebody lived in the Place in the 1950 Census, and there was no record of them leaving, and the Place wasn’t listed as abandoned. It didn’t look abandoned, either, now did it?
To be fair about it: no, the Place did not look abandoned. This was the early days, before poor Mrs. Haversham and the fence. It was a little different back then. You’d notice it, if you weren’t careful. Not like it was an attractive house, or the sort of place you’d want to live, but if you weren’t careful it would hook your eyes. Like you could feel the pressure on your face.
(Whenever he told me the story, at that point he’d rub his face, like he could even then feel their points, dimpling his flesh. He’d have to make himself stop, too, because otherwise he’d just rub until the blood came.)