I mean, I saw the trailer in theaters yesterday. THE DEVIL’S LIGHT is this flick about a nun who wants to be an exorcist and she’s at this Catholic facility where they train priests to do field exorcisms and they’ve never had a woman before and no, wait, let’s go back to the ‘field exorcism’ thing. It’s like a hospital where they have patients crawling on the ceiling with grey-black eyes and nobody seems to be too alarmed about that.
It’s probably a bit more gory than I like (I will not lie: my major problem with VAN HELSING is that the script is not worthy of the basic concept), but you’d think that I could find a trailer for a movie that’s coming out in two weeks. I wonder what’s going on here.
Check your search filters Moe. I got it as the top hit on my first search for ‘devil’s light trailer’
Assuming that’s the right movie of course.
That’s the thing: it’s not. That’s not what I saw in the theater. 🙂
Well then the answer is obvious: the theatre is a minor portal to an alternate dimension with different (better ?) movies, which you will visit regularly – so regularly that you’ll gain a reputation among the staff as THAT guy – but you don’t much care since you’ll be able to pilfer the plots and ideas for wealth and fame on Earth Prime.
That makes so much sense…whoa, time to put the cork back in the mead bottle.