It’s odd: my wife’s the one who’d get most out of this flick – she’s the one who does Early Period stuff* – but it looks pretty dang violent for her tastes. Whereas if I watch THE NORSEMAN, I’m gonna be muttering They could’ve put some trolls or draugr in this, no problem throughout. I’m sorry, but I can’t help it. No-fooling fantasy is one of my jams.
Yeah, I used ‘my jam’ unironically. I REGRET NOTHING.
Moe Lane
*Mostly Old English/Anglo-Saxon, but that means she has a good bit of expertise in the Scandinavian/Viking stuff, too.
trolls, draugr, giants, skinchangers, even a dragon would fit into a film like this. I’ll watch it, but I know I’ll be thinking “missed opportunity” the whole time.
Unless they’re going to insert tie-ins to one or more historical figures; in that case everything but the giants would be out.
I think I preferred 13th Warrior!*
*reference for fans of the film
Has a heavy “Gladiator’ feel. NTTAWWT