Netflix, 2K/Take-Two announce plans to make a terrible BIOSHOCK movie.

Oops, did I type that out? (Via @SonnyBunch):

Nothing personal, it’s just that video game movies generally suck. I don’t see why we should expect a Bioshock flick to buck that trend. But maybe I’m wrong! We’ll find out eventually, I’m sure.


2 thoughts on “Netflix, 2K/Take-Two announce plans to make a terrible BIOSHOCK movie.”

  1. That’s my expectation too, but I remain open to the possibility that it’s good. The main problem, as I see it, is that the budget needed to pull off the visuals credibly far outstrips the market potential. It would need to be a massive blockbuster. Also, would they go with the same twist as the original game? Change it up?

  2. There are games that could be made into good, or at least decent, movies.
    Bioshock isn’t one of them.

    (I’m amazed that Otto Korrect knows Bioshock, but throws a conniption fit about common words I use all the time.)

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