This is old, but good. Short version: man buys tank. Man parks tank outside of his house while he works out final home for the tank. The bug up the a*s of the man’s HOA decides this is intolerable, starts up the passive aggressive machine, and sends a certified letter. Result?
In the spirit of General Patton, Buzbee was unmoved by this opening salvo. “Typical,” he says. “It sounds like small-town stuff, but this was Houston, Texas. But I didn’t fret over it. Hell, I would have moved it two weeks before I did but for the fact I got that letter. So then I decided I’d leave the tank here for two more weeks just to see what they would do about it.”
What they did about it was start writing parking tickets, which is funny. I mean, generally speaking you can assume that anybody rich enough to buy a tank is rich enough to just pay the parking tickets. Besides, he was moving it anyway to a nice ranch, where it can peacefully frolic and run over cars…
Via @KPlorable.
Buzbee is an interesting character. Made his bank as a personal injury lawyer. Went to school on a ROTC scholarship, served as a Marine, led Recon Company, and served in the Persian Gulf and Somalia. Just a glittering resume. If I had a PI case, he’s the guy I’d want. But he just gives me that kind of “I don’t know about that guy” vibe that you get from some people.