04/16/22 Snippet, MOUTHY.

Getting back into gear, I think. I got to be careful about the snippets, though. Don’t want to give anything away.

Can I confess something to you? I… didn’t hate the Plague, at first.

Did I feel bad that people were dying? Of course! I knew some victims. Friends of my parents, mostly: old folks. But they were all in nursing homes already, so I didn’t see them every day. And my own family got off pretty lightly. I had two uncles end up in the ICU, and my cousin was on a ventilator for a week, and that was about it. I was very lucky. We all were.

While I was still talking to them, my family was still sticking to everything you need to do to stay safe: double masks, regular sanitizing, bleach on anything that comes in from outside the house, all the usual stuff. We stayed inside and kept our distance, just like we were supposed to, and it felt so… good, back then. I wasn’t just safe, myself. I was keeping other people safe from me. That’s very important, keeping as many people safe as possible.

It’s also why I don’t talk to my family anymore. I don’t want to put any of them at risk. It wouldn’t be fair to them.

2 thoughts on “04/16/22 Snippet, MOUTHY.”

  1. I read that “Don’t want to give anything away.” and I seriously cannot tell if you are trolling. Especially after the most recent update, Mouthy reads like a painfully thin political take-that. If there *is* a second layer, the snippets have not revealed it.

    1. Ehh, it’s a work in progress. 🙂 I did some significant reordering of the story line this morning before writing some more stuff in it. I won’t know if the stinger works until I’ve written the whole thing, though.

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