The PREY Hulu trailer.

It looks better than I thought it would.

I’m just not real fond of the premise, honestly. My rule of thumb has always been, If it raises a hand to a human, it dies. I want to see the movie where the humans teach the Predator species to find somebody else to hunt. Preferably somebody nonsapient, because humanity can get real ridiculously sentimental about that sort of thing…

One thought on “The PREY Hulu trailer.”

  1. I thought it was going to be based off one of the video games.

    They’ll never get clear of the self-destruct.

    I guess it’s been 32 years since Predator 2. The Millenials and Gen Z have never seen a good Predator movie, and they keep trying to pander to Gen X nostalgia (Poorly. We’re a bit cynical. A cynical cash grab should be meta enough to play into that. Want to remake something? Try “Pump Up the Volume”. And go hard at the reigning political correctness.)

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