Annnnnnd digital school is over.

The oldest was already back this year, and the youngest is finishing up his digital classes today. So… it’s done. No more being an unpaid teacher’s aide*! No more 6:30 AM wakeups! (At least, not until September.) Freedom. FREEEEEEEDDDDDOOOM…

Moe Lane

*Thirty-plus years ago, I looked over my options, and I realized right off the bat that I had no desire for a career in education. The last three years have absolutely validated my reaction. I apparently wasn’t awful at being an aide; but, sh*t, these were my kids, right? I’d better be good at it.

6 thoughts on “Annnnnnd digital school is over.”

  1. The sketchy bro-in-law made a point of doing the bare minimum.. and sometimes not even that.

    Do your kids have fresh scars? No?

    You did fine.


    1. Congratulations. That’s an accomplishment for both kid and parents. 🙂

  2. Happy Father’s Day to all of you fathers (and your Dads too!); husbands and fathers are the World Builders, but the World is never going to give you the credit you deserve.


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