I suppose ‘buddy-suicide flick’ might not play well in the world of buzz.
Anyway, it’s entirely possible that NEXT EXIT is funny. And even has an anti-suicide message (I don’t speculate that the death-aspected corp has a secret evil intent, so much as I simply assume it). But I will note this: I don’t actually think that people would be more eager to kill themselves if they knew there was an afterlife. They’d likely be more eager to take risks, which is not the same thing.
After all, the next question is: What’s the optimal way to get the best afterlife? And even the religions that consider martyrdom a viable life goal still discourage suicide. Which makes sense, when you think about it.
Also: I suppose the movie’s color palette is inevitable, but geez is it glum. I only mention this because, you know, ‘comedy drama.’ Bright greens and vibrant blues would have been funnier.