10/27/2022 Snippet, UNHOLY ANGLES.

This flows better with the general theme of the story, I think. Sometimes, you just have to start over.

Fractals. It’s all about fractals.

Yeah, yeah, you were promised there wouldn’t be any math. Say, who promised you that? Who is it that wants you thinking that mathematics is something you want to escape from? Because let me tell you, brothers and sisters: you won’t ever get to do that. Math is everywhere these days. Every-damn-where. It broke free from Newton and Leibniz, and now it’s gnawed its way into our world so deep, we couldn’t yank it out without killing ourselves in the process. You won’t see that metaphor in your calculus textbooks, let me tell you.

Don’t worry, though. I’m not talking about that kind of math. I want to tell you about Wild Math. You won’t learn about it in schools. Hell, God help you if you’re ever in one that teaches it, because Wild Math is the primal stuff, mathematics that’s never felt the sting of the whip, or the weight of a saddle on its back. It’s untamed and untameable — but it’s still math. That means you can do things with it. That’s why you can’t call it magic, not that I believe in magic.

What? Oh, you should totally decide to not believe in magic. It’s an amazing life hack. I wish I had learned it sooner.