12/192/2022 Snippet, THE THING IN THE AIRLOCK.

Making myself finish this up!

Back in the dim days of a year ago, hand-to-hand combat on the moon was something you did for fun. Everybody in the military learned the principles, but nobody actually used them. Well, nobody used them in order to injure people. Sometimes security personnel might have to use an arm lock or quick grapple on a sloppy drunk, but real combat? What was there to fight about?

I thought we were done with this! Tobias snarled to himself — or maybe complained to Asenath — as he kneed a cultist in the crotch. Everybody who was going to go kill-crazy already had!

It started out at sixteen to ten, and his side were the ones who had started behind. It was now ten to seven, because while what had turned out to be a nest of Silver Dawn cultists had plenty of knives, his security squad had helmets, and armor that wasn’t completely useless. They also knew something about how to fight as a group.

Tobias was still getting angrier and angrier at every successful slash and strike. We need to shut this down now, Asenath! he snarled again, as he flung a cultist into the wall. Any luck getting control of the HVAC system?