A Pool of Digital Slush?

Given that I’ve thrown the odd story at Clarkesworld, only to have them invariably throw it back, I want to be careful not to sound too snidely amused at their problem with AI submissions. “On Monday, the editor of the renowned sci-fi publication Clarkesworld Magazine announced that he had temporarily closed story submissions due to a massive increase in machine-generated stories sent to the publication.” I will, however, note that Clarkesworld’s closing of all story submissions sounds very much like they themselves can’t tell AI-generated stories from real ones. Based on what I’ve seen of the recent AI-generated texts, this is not a complement to AI. It’s a trenchant commentary on what Clarkesworld usually publishes.

…Oh, damn. I guess I failed, huh?

UPDATE: I will admit that Karl raises a good point here: