Tweet of the Day, Just Waiting For The Lift edition.

This is an interesting point from Karl…

…with the caveat that we don’t actually have the super cheap per-pound lifting capacity yet. When we do, there’s going to be one hell of a disruption in the bespoke satellite industry. Some of the companies doing perfectly fine work now are not going to be able to transition, so keep an eye on that.

One thought on “Tweet of the Day, Just Waiting For The Lift edition.”

  1. Starship has a build in customer, Starlink. Elon Musk bets the farm on getting Starlink to fund the rest of his space efforts, and right now the bottleneck is launch capacity. Right now SpaceX is doing the Blue Ocean Strategy of conditioning the market to get used to cheap launch that previous dream project that’s simply not economically viable became viable. That of course means those in the high towers suddenly have to co-mingles with the plebes.

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