The FUBAR Netflix trailer.

FUBAR is more endearing than I expected. Yeah, yeah, maybe ‘endearing’ isn’t the absolute best word, here. Still, Arnie playing a cranky old dad Terminator is kind of funny. Especially if he spends the entire series driving his Action Girl daughter nuts. Busting the chops of your kids is an underrated pleasure.

5 thoughts on “The FUBAR Netflix trailer.”

  1. I ain’t in a forgiving mood.

    * my freedoms?
    How about * you, * your career, and * your series.
    (I’d have thrown in a “* your maid of questionable imitation status”, but you already took care of that.)

      1. He was a “passionate advocate” of California’s draconian lockdown, and infamously derided those protesting the trampling of their rights.

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