3 thoughts on “Don’t do the smart house thing.”

  1. I do not grok why anyone would. I fight with the bloody machines to disable Siri, Alexa, Cortana, etc.
    (Shrug) But there seems to be a market for it.

    Btw, has anybody else been aggravated with their win 10 box updating all the d**ned time?
    I’m pretty sure that if I had installed a solid state drive, MS would have burned it out by now.
    I’m seriously considering air gapping it, disabling the wireless, and having done. (Shrug) I mostly check email and browse on my phone, anyway.

    1. I have been upgraded to Win11.

      Microsoft seems to have done their best to change only things that have worked consistently since Win95 or before.

      Yes, it’s that annoying.


  2. The whole “internet of things” is a hot mess for a number of reasons, one of which is aptly demonstrated here: the people in control of the automation can decide you’re no longer worthy at the drop of a hat.

    Anybody who’s ever watched Star Trek knows the first rule of automation is always have an unblockable manual override.

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