The winsome THE ARCHIES trailer.

This looks… watchable, actually. Basically, THE ARCHIES is… an adaptation of the Archie comics, set in India. Except that it’s Riverdale, but kind of India, and kind of not – look, just watch the trailer, okay? You’ll understand my bemusement more, then.

I’m not going to lie: I kind of want to see what a Bollywood rockabilly dance number looks like. I’ve never thought about that particular combo before, but now I’m interested in the results.

3 thoughts on “The winsome THE ARCHIES trailer.”

  1. Can’t be worse than what’s been done to the comics.
    Or in the Hollywood adaptations.

    Yes, the story is trite. Yes, it would suck to come up with ways to keep telling it. But that’s the frelling point. It’s a simple story for juveniles to enjoy and angst over. It’s Archie, his love triangle, his best friend for comic relief and lampshade hanging, his rival for threatening to break the triangle, and no resolution or character development ever.

    (Which is admittedly something that I, as an adult, have no interest in watching, reading, or writing.)

  2. Seen the movie RRR yet?

    Bollywood .. but approachable by western audiences, with a decent enough sense of history, and some very good dance numbers.

    Oh, and probably safe for the young Lane clan.. less violence than a typical video game.


    1. It’s not often that The Critical Drinker raves about a film.
      He did with RRR.

      It sounds nuts, in a completely awesome way.

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