I swear to God, this is all just ritual magic.

I just spent thirty minutes trying to fix a screwup of one of the WordPress blocks I always use to edit these posts. Nothing worked, and eventually I gave up, and made a homunculus of the original block, so at least I’d be able to use it in the future. But lo! – No sooner do I do this, but then a button that was not there before appeared, allowing me to edit an existing block, thus returning it to its pre-Fallen state.

I continue to be amazed that we do not make ritual offerings of candy and rum to mainframes. It’s no more absurd than anything else I just did in the last half hour.

5 thoughts on “I swear to God, this is all just ritual magic.”

  1. The time draws near when the Mainframe AI will be able to tell us what offerings to make.

    As a lesser techno-priest in my current career path, I can confirm that most baked goods are acceptable.

    1. Oh, I don’t mind shelling out a little something for the loa, as long as it’s understood that I’m spoken for, theologically speaking. I just want it to be reliable.

      1. Never sudo what you cannot kill -9?

        Mainframes (and their lessers) do not want rum or baked goods, other than to keep the priesthood docile.

        The interesting question is what they do want. Your guess is as good as mine there, and I’ve been a deep nerd for decades.


        1. Chickens. They want chickens.

          Computers are very literal. They have problems with bugs. Chickens eat bugs.

          So, put the knife down.

  2. I ran across ritual magic when my phone wouldn’t play audio because of a car bluetooth interface foul-up. (Which admittedly appears to be my fault) Once outside of bluetooth range, the ley lines provided enough power for the auditory magic to resume.

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