Video of the Day, It’s A Valid Question edition.

Not that I actually know anything about Tinder, except that it’s yet another cheap and tawdry expression of hookup culture that my particular generation never got to take advantage of when we were in our twenties.

10 thoughts on “Video of the Day, It’s A Valid Question edition.”

  1. Ah, but would you have gone to Cambodia to excavate the lost artifacts of Battambang to hold a seance to summon (and vanquish) a ghost girl (who eats cattle) while fighting off pirates who want to sell the artifacts on the black market?

    1. The thing is, I’m not sure why I would bother to fight the pirates so long as they left me alone to do the seance in peace. Treasure left lying around is treasure left lying around and so long as they’re the ones who killed the monsters guarding the artefacts they would be the proper owners of the artefacts as far as I was concerned.
      That thought would only double when I found out the ghost girl was the secret mastermind. Her ruins and her people so her treasure. If she wants the pirates to be her business agents that’s her choice. Maybe it will turn out that the cattle she eats was bought with her artifact money.

      (And as I type these words I realize that I have probably revealed myself as the sort of guy nobody sane would want on adventures of this sort! Can’t be helped 😏 )

  2. To be fair, most people have to go to work. It’s only the wealthy few, like Lara Croft, who can afford to take time off for such ventures.

      1. Not me. I’m not leaving my dogs in a kennel while I save the world from a transdimensional demon.

          1. Yes. Depending on their training. When it comes to battling transdimensional demons, it’s best to avoid bringing allies who need to hear the phrase “Don’t eat that!” multiple times in a day.

    1. Depends how much treasure the first venture yielded. A good enough haul might justify going full time adventuring and make further adventures economically self-sustaining. 🙂

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