08/22/2023 Snippet, ANALOG.

It just gets creepier from there!

Ricki Cao huffed a chuckle and tossed her clipboard on the (dingy, but spotless) desk before sitting down behind it. “Not a single morsel. I found residue consistant with a brainburner, but I didn’t have to. It was obvious. Surprised you missed it, Greg.”  She opened a desk drawer. “Drink?”

“I’m not in the cause-of-death business,” Greg replied as he sat down in one of the two chairs; Bernice hastily sat in the other, a moment later. “We got people for that. That stuff’s safe for me and Bernice, right?”

“Guaranteed formaldehyde-free,” Ricki assured him as she pulled out a bottle of whiskey, and three shot glasses. “I keep the bland crap around for distinguished visitors like yourselves.” She flicked a look over at Bernice. “You seem like a bright kid. You gonna start quoting regulations at me?”

“Which ones?” Bernice took her glass. “The ones about not drinking on duty, or the ones about when to drink on duty? I’m in a coroner’s office. I figure I’m about to hear some unpleasant things.”