Awesome: India lands Chandrayaan-3 on moon.

They get to rack up a first:

Never mind the obvious artist’s rendition in the second image: there’s a real one at the link here. My congratulations to the engineers and scientists on the project. This was not easy to do. I personally can’t do it, but they can, and did. Very, very cool.

Via @IMAO_.

5 thoughts on “Awesome: India lands Chandrayaan-3 on moon.”

  1. Nice to see Bollywood has progressed to the point they can fake their own landing. 😉

  2. Seriously, this is cool. Hope they find water or whatever other useful stuff they’re looking for.

  3. The fact that they got that first because the Russian attempt to get a lander in there before they could cratered due to corruption and shoddy workmanship….

    Yes, I will happily join you in congratulating India on achieving this noteworthy first. I wish them joy in it.

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