I often do this with video games. Basically, what happens is that I muck around with it until I figure out what the basic gameplay is like, then restart it once I’ve made too many bad decisions. I know have a much better idea of how to do outpost management in Starfield, and it’s time I put that all into practice. Also, I apparently need the trait where I have parents, because Wanted is kind of lame.
What makes a decision bad, can be relative.
I’m kind of regretting taking Introvert. My normal stealth/snipe playstyle isn’t working too well. But that might change once I get a weapon with some actual range, and get past the “companions required” stages. (Also, my companions aren’t running in front of my bullets, which is nice.)
On the flipside, taking the homesteader background has made the early game more difficult, but I don’t regret it at all.
Likewise, loyalty to the Freestar Collective looks like it’ll cost me more than I’ll gain, but I’ve got zero regrets.
Ever since I first encountered the cultists, and especially after I found my first skill book, I’ve been wishing that I’d taken Serpent’s Embrace.
Even though it goes directly against my “must discover all the things” tendencies.
This go-round I took the parents one, UC Colonist, and the religious one.
I’m so disappointed that Starfield is an XBox exclusive. This seems like the kind of game that I could get lost in.
Microsoft bought Bethesda because Sony was in negotiations to make Starfield a PS exclusive.
(Shrug) So I can’t help but feel that Sony bring frozen out, it’s simple Justice.
I feel bad for most PS gamers, though.
(Not the vocal subset of PS fanboys who cheered my access to games being limited or gimped due to timed exclusives, though. They can eat a bag of $&@/.)
I don’t understand the whole idea of exclusives. Why wouldn’t a company want the largest possible market for their products? Doesn’t make sense to me.