I may be doing *two* Stellar Cons next year.

They’re going to be doing a second Stellar Con in June, up in York, PA. That would be a bit of a drive for me. It would not however be a bit of a drive for me and my wife for a day trip, or even a drive for the whole family for a mini-vacation because the kids will be out of school by then.

There are many things to do in the area, also. There is the Weightlifting Hall of Fame, the Utz factory tourquite a few of those, actually, ranging from Snyder’s to Harley-Davidson – and then there’s of course Gettysburg. And yes, I am being absolutely serious about this, especially the Weightlifting Hall of Fame. My family has regularly driven past that museum for the last, geez, twenty years or so. I want to know what’s inside it. What’s the point of being in your fifties if you can’t have a weird life goal or two?

Moe Lane

PS: If you can’t wait until then: buy my books!
