My mini-review of GODZILLA MINUS ONE.

Short version: OH, MY FREAKING GOD.

Slightly longer version: …that was a movie with a fifteen-million-dollar production budget? That? What is your excuse, Hollywood? Have you even tried to come up with an excuse? You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Toho Studios was able to build GODZILLA MINUS ONE in a cave! With a box of scraps!

Do not get me wrong. I love my country’s Godzilla flicks. But this… this was exquisite. Go see it in theaters. You deserve that have that experience in your life.

4 thoughts on “My mini-review of GODZILLA MINUS ONE.”

  1. Japan, fortunately, has resisted the influence of a certain cult and as a result still believes in fun.

  2. Mrs. Kieron and I saw it tonight. This is a very well done movie, especially considering the relatively small ($15M) budget. The story is more focused on the protagonist dealing with PTSD, honor and survivor’s guilt, whereas Godzilla is more of a visceral, radiation-boosted “force of nature” device to move the hero’s journey forward.

    Those looking for a story focused on Godzilla may be disappointed by the human-centric plot. Despite this, it’s well told and worth seeing on the large screen.

    1. Godzilla was always meant to be an analog to real social Dangers. I.e. the OG to Nuclear Proliferation. I feel like concentrating on the Monster itself does it a disservice.

      1. I’m not gonna lie: when the dude started talking about how maybe they had valued life too cheaply, and it was time to be different going forward, well, the HVAC systems in theaters can be tricky things.

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