Changes coming soon to the Patreon.

Nothing bad or cut back; it’s just that some things need to get revamped. I’ve never really updated the Patreon to reflect the fact that the old model of ‘get to this level, and stuff unlocks’ is dead, and that I need to come up with something more enticing. I suspect that this will at least mean more regular Bold Marauder serial updates, which is something I kind of want to do anyway. I also have to decide whether anybody really cares about the RPG materials. I hope so – I like writing them – but the goal is to grow the site, not shrink it. It’s a new year: time to make some changes.

In the meantime, feel free to check the site out, if you haven’t already.

One thought on “Changes coming soon to the Patreon.”

  1. Well, I for one care about the RPG stuff. I enjoy reading them, I still nurse a hope of playing RPGs again one day and would love to try some of these, and I like to study them as examples of great campaign design.

    I hope I’m not the only one. But if it turns out not enough people are interested, I’ll still subscribe for the fiction.

    — Chris Chittleborough

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