01/13/2024 Snippet, PICKMAN’S MODELS.


The impromptu entranceway to whatever was down below was free of booby-traps, alarms, or even cameras. There weren’t any guards, either, or signs that any had been posted. Theoretically, that suggested that the teams could go in, and right on down.

Nobody was ready to trust that theory. The party descended carefully, using as little light as possible, which meant almost no light at all. It was uncanny just how well Luxboroughers moved through the dark; if asked, Tobias would have told Reithner that they were using prototype DoW low-light vision equipment. She didn’t ask, and the grenadiers might as well have been androids. I wish we had androids, Tobias thought sadly. They’d come in handy right now.

They were never cost-effective for the moon, Asenath reminded him. Androids were better-suited for a stable and forgiving environment. Besides, we do not have the supervisory personnel needed to keep them from accidentally killing people.