Quotes of the Day, The Polarizing Nature of SASQUATCH SUNSET Revealed! edition.

No real trailer to this, by the way. Every supposed one I found was actually a fake, in one way or the other. I’m not entirely assured that SASQUATCH SUNSET is a real movie: it could be an early April Fool’s Day joke. Anyway:

  • Variety: “…unlike the unintentionally hilarious Life Day segment from “The Star Wars Holiday Special” (spoken entirely in the Wookiee tongue), “Sasquatch Sunset” is funny by design. It’s just that the humor is pitched at such a strange register, somewhere between poignant and Sas-scatological — as in the scene where Foot family members defecate in their hands and sling the turds at the birds picking at a tragically deceased relative.”
  • GeekTyrant: “…what in the hell am I watching?”

Not gonna lie: I almost want to find this movie now, so I can see just how it’ll take before I duplicate GeekTyrant’s bafflement at this movie, the production crew – and themselves for sitting through the whole thing.