03/14/2024 Snippet, PICKMAN’S MODELS.


Reither made the ‘nodding’ gesture; behind her, the Euros and Luxborough Squad both relaxed from their sudden state of alertness. If she noticed, the lieutenant didn’t let on as she examined the door. “I have found the opening mechanism, sir,” she announced. “Waiting on your orders.”

“You need to report in to General Bruno for anything?” She made the ‘no’ gesture. “And I’m here, so let me send group telemetry, and then we go in?”

Good luck, Commander. Asenath didn’t ‘sound’ thrilled that he was about to go out of radio range; then again, neither was he. Is there anything you would like me to check?

Yes, actually. See if you can find out anything more about Reithner. If Bruno’s using her for this job, either she’s important, or she’s expendable. I’m curious which one.

Very well. Asenath paused. But… what practical use will that information be for you, at this point?

That was a great question. Tobias wished she hadn’t asked it.