
In theory, finding the safe’s new location would be simplicity itself. I had the dowsing rods recalibrated to the vibratory frequency of the safe where it had touched the floor. That made it separate from the frequencies of the safe and the floor, so all I had to do was dowse until I had a nibble. That would give me a direction to start with. Then I would go to a second location, dowse again, and get the direction from there. After that, it would be a simple matter of using a map and some math.

Ah, yes. ‘Simple.’

The primary problem was that the range on my dowsing rods was constrained by the very specificity I needed. Getting the frequency of just the bank safe had been accomplished by finding one that was from the same manufacturer, and made at the same time. That was trivial, given how regimented the Third Werk had been — and I was able to triangulate from halfway across the town, in the privacy of mine and Francesco’s rented rooms.

That wouldn’t be an option here. I’d need to be considerably closer to my target before I got a meaningful hit, and unfortunately that would mean having to take readings in public. People notice dowsers. They especially notice dowsers who hang about government offices and military garrisons. Being a foreigner might not even matter; they’d already be assuming I was a spy.