To wit: when the person you’re trying to impose on can afford a metric [expletive deleted]ton of vicious attack lawyers. (Via @IMAO_)
One hopes that this is not the end of the matter.
To wit: when the person you’re trying to impose on can afford a metric [expletive deleted]ton of vicious attack lawyers. (Via @IMAO_)
One hopes that this is not the end of the matter.
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Forgiveness instead of permission works a lot better when the one you need forgiveness from has benefited from what you did instead of being harmed or endangered.
Do NOT annoy people who can afford good legal counsel.
Just … don’t.
Especially when you annoy them by giving them a very reasonable legal action to pursue.
That’s weapons grade stupidity.
Or sociopathy.
Or both.
AI is inherently sociopathic. Let. It. Burn.