The ‘Oh, God, *why*?’ WATCHMAN CHAPTERS 1 & 2 teaser.

I have a complicated opinion about WATCHMEN. Like THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, it was simultaneously excellent, and a very bad example for the rest of the comic book industry to follow. I don’t want to say that it should have never existed, but if it ever turns out that we need to sacrifice it in order to preserve the Sacred Timeline, well, sacrifices sometimes need to be made.

I do not have a complicated opinion about the upcoming WATCHMEN cartoons: this animation style sucks.

They’d have been better off going with this, honestly.

6 thoughts on “The ‘Oh, God, *why*?’ WATCHMAN CHAPTERS 1 & 2 teaser.”

  1. I don’t know what gypsy or djinn Alan Moore offended, but what they’ve done to and with his creation for the past four decades is cruel.

    1. After hearing some of the things Alan Moore has said outside of his written works, I feel he has offended many cosmic powers of import.

    2. Seeing as how he said we should admire Ozymandias and despise Roschart, he damn well deserves it.

  2. I can see what they’re *trying* to do with that style.

    They’re saying “this is *important comic-book literature*” and they’ve got an animation style that is constantly emphasizing how important and literary it is… and, by extension, how impressed with themselves they are.

    I suspect the critics will like it.

    1. So basically the Acolyte’s critic score on Rotten Tomatoes while the audience score approaches zero…

      1. That’s the direction the style is pushing things, anyway. We’ll see if the rest of it follows suit.

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