06/22/2024 Snippet, SEVEN FLAGS.

I don’t particularly care to go into much detail about the old Imperium Orci. It was not a nice place.

“You don’t want to hear my suggestion about to what to do about Marcus, Liza,” Jan told her privately, back at camp. Liza wasn’t sure when they had gone to being on a first-name basis, but it seemed to be working out. “I don’t even know if I want to offer it.”

“Would it involve breaking the– ” Liza paused to count, in her head “–Sixth Commandment? Because if so, no, I don’t want to hear it.”

“No, actually.” Jan grimaced at Liza’s start. “I wouldn’t suggest that to another Carnivora, let alone you. It wasn’t just the army where things happened, you know. We had our own problems, too.” She clenched her jaw. “It’s a miracle the Dominion didn’t break us.”


The matter-of-fact tone in that made Jan start. “Ha! I walked into that.”