‘Anti-Zionist’ event at GenCon canceled.

‘Anti-Zionist’ used in headline because the goal actually is to give people the cover to discreetly drop from the virtual event. There are times where it is advisable to allow a retreat. I just want companies to think first before they support events like this, because if they do then they won’t support as many events like this.

5 thoughts on “‘Anti-Zionist’ event at GenCon canceled.”

  1. I’m still holding that anti-zionist is worse than anti-semitic.

    You can dislike Jews* without wanting to see any of them killed.
    You cannot be opposed to the existence of Israel without wanting to see millions dead.

    *Or in the current identitarian insanity, you can dislike ONE person who renounced his faith and heritage to the extent of being a literal Nazi collaborator, and be tarred as anti-semitic. (That wasn’t me. I got tarred for calling the current AG corrupt.)

  2. There has been some suggestion that it was booted by GenCon, who had not previously been informed of section 1.5

    It would be nice, if so. I’d *like* to be able to think well of GenCon.

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