I’m going to be brutally honest, here: Harry Turtledove’s recent dive into undisguised commentary on contemporary politics and mores has aged incredibly badly. I used to buy his books in hardcover; I didn’t even bother picking up the last couple. That being said… I’ll give him one last chance with Twice as Dead. I fully understand it if other people don’t feel obligated to give him that chance, but I hate just the thought of a final break with the author who gave me Videssos and Ruled Britannia. If that makes me a sap, so be it. I will own the moniker.
And The Case of the Toxic Spell Dump. It’s a perfect little gem on its own.
But yes, I don’t look at his recent stuff.
Unfortunately, it sounds like a vampire story and I try to avoid those because I usually end up disliking them intensely. Nothing I see in them that I didn’t see in the Marvel Comics “poor, misunderstood mutants” theme with less justification than the mutants had. I’ll wait for the next Turtledove book and try that instead.
The last thing of his I read was The Man with the Iron Heart, which very plainly was about Iraq with Truman as Bush.
I have the first few volumes of The War that Came Early that I picked up right around when I moved cross country… 12 years ago. I’ll probably get around to them, but it sounds like that series will be my last of his.
I hope it’s good.
It was so sad when he fell off the deep end.