Snippet, the second additional excerpt to VERDICT OF HISTORY.

You’ll find the full thing on my Patreon.

— From Annals of the Damned: A Chronicle of the most Perfidious and Infamous ruling Scoundrels of the dastardly Universal Dominion, from Its Blasphemous Rise to the Current Day. The 2900 AD Commemorative Special Report of the Hershey Consortium, Complete with edifying Narrations and Illustrations for the Discerning Employee.

Peregrine the Steady of the Black Pool (2399-2454)
Universal Dominion Supreme Archmage, 2442-2454. Born to slaves and taken at an early age, Peregrine grew to a Woman’s estate steeped in Malice and Cruelty, never showing any signs of anything but the liveliest Contempt for her origins. She had a name for Wanton Cruelty, even in an Age that delighted in such Inefficiency and Vile Waste. Her conquest of The Kingdom of the Lakes (2445 AD) was marked by acts of Self-Destructive violence that never bore anything but the Bitterest of foul Fruits.