Milestone: over 1K books sold on Amazon.

This doesn’t include books for Kickstarters, Kindle Unlimited equivalent, or physical copies sold at conventions. This is straight up Amazon sales.

In terms of percentages, that number is a bit over 69% novels, and just under 84% novels/full anthologies. The rest are chapbooks, and that one short story I did. It’s all also just over four and a half year’s worth of steady effort, so while I obviously would love to be selling ten thousand copies a year nobody can say I didn’t work for this. You gotta just keep on plugging…

4 thoughts on “Milestone: over 1K books sold on Amazon.”

  1. Lights in the Darkness has been a bit of an Amazon Adventure.

    Lesson learned – always always always support the author directly.


      1. For reasons known only to the Amazon Galactibrain, instead of charging my perfectly good credit card for the pre-order, they tried to charge a debit card that expired years ago…

        … and then buried the order as “cancelled”.

        Had to get their support to even find it, and then … just changed the payment method and now I’m enjoying a much better story than the above.


  2. Congratulations and well done! Richard Bach said that a professional writer is an amateur writer who didn’t quit. I would say that makes you a professional.
    I’m curious how many books I have sold. The publisher has never sent a statement or contacted me for any reason. I think it might be time to part ways with this publisher.

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