It’s definitely going in an oven around 4 PM EST. There’s also two russet potatoes that will be roasted tonight, and probably a salad for greenstuff. The question becomes, what specifically happens to the pork loin?
My inclination is to salt-and-honey that sucker, get all Roman Empire up on it. My wife and I threw a Roman-themed toga party once* where she had the pork roasted up like that, and it was choice. But I don’t have the recipe, so it might not come out right.
Thoughts? Bear in mind that the clock is ticking.
Moe Lane
*The kind where you get sent the instructions on how to make a proper one, including the tunic and stuff underneath. It was also the kind where you buy the wine, one bottle at a time, for several months beforehand. We must have had something like twenty, twenty-five bottles… God, I miss having that kind of metabolism. Or just that level of reckless disregard for my liver.
Yep. Salt and Honey. And I recall the toga party where we charged at the ice cream man as he was driving by.
We threw good parties.
Too late to count for this time, but I like to add a splash of balsamic vinegar and a pinch of rosemary to the honey and salt.
Which in fact I did, except that it was quite a bit of rosemary. I also swapped out maple syrup for the honey, and threw in a couple of cut-up apples that were approaching their use-by date. It worked out well enough that my wife made a point of saving the broth for her lunches this week.