Some updates on the vending front.

It looks like I’ll be doing a local event on the 14th, and I finally heard back about another event in April. The wrinkle on that one is that it’ll be the day after an event I’m doing already, but that’s… well, I’ll just have to soldier on, bluntly. I mean, at least I won’t have to unpack the car all the way.

Moe Lane

PS: I’m always looking for new venues, mind you. I’m starting to think that maybe local craft fairs and so forth may be more fertile ground. We’ll see!

One thought on “Some updates on the vending front.”

  1. Craft fairs, you say? Winter fairs? Good idea!

    Scholastic, after all, does lots of autumnal book fairs .. why should kids have all the fun?

    In all seriousness, get a booth that allows for a chair or two – folding are fine – and put up a sign welcoming husbands to “sit and read a spell while the missus browses”…


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