The Greatest Science Fiction Exploration Game Ever (Starflight) is on sale on


Technically, it’s Starflight 1 & 2. The first Starflight was a few years old when I played this game in college, so do not expect the cover to be representative of the graphics. Let me put it this way: Starflight is old enough to run for President.

But, again: greatest science fiction exploration game ever. I will die on this hill. Singing the song of Starflight:

2 thoughts on “The Greatest Science Fiction Exploration Game Ever (Starflight) is on sale on”

  1. I have to agree with your assessment. I remember spending many hours juggling 5 1/4″ disks on my PC playing that game (and hoping nothing went wrong with the save).

    I haven’t looked too closely at the GoG page, so I wonder how they handle the “copy protection” I recall from the original.

    I’ve been looking for something that scratches that itch, and I think Starcom: Unknown Space (on Steam) comes closer than anything else I’ve played in the last couple of decades. But it’s certainly tempting to reinstall the original and play it.

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