Got some of it down, and the rest of the story plot. I have hopes that this will get put to bed relatively early this month.
This is foolish, Joseph told himself again as he made his way to the Germans’ encampment. It might even be a trap. After all, Carteaux had made it clear that the Committee did not trust him with the secret of the ‘System.’
And yet, the witch-hunters were well-disposed towards him. Kraemer in particular had tried to be ingratiating over dinner, although from the look on his face he was doing so with a throat full of bile. Joseph was confident that all of that meant that a certain amount of indirect direct questioning would do no real harm. Well, mostly confident. He might face Paris’s disapproval later — but after Le Bete fell in battle, would that even matter?
Really, though, the excuses were all irrelevant. In the end, Joseph Fouché was simply curious, and he was in the sort of profession that rewards the indulgence of that habit. He was also in the sort of profession that would insulate him from the worst consequences of curiosity, which meant almost as much.