Is it time to raise book prices?

I’m torn on this. I want to keep prices low, so that more people will buy my books. But I’m wondering whether I’ve got them too low. I don’t want them so low that people think that they’re lower quality.

Here’s the current breakdown:

Frozen Dreams$2.99$9.99
Tinsel Rain$4.99$12.99
Morgan Barod$4.99$12.99
Tales From the Fermi Resolution 1$2.99$12.99
Tales From the Fermi Resolution 2$4.99$13.99
Ghosts on An Alien Wind$4.99$13.99

(Books can be found here.) Is it finally time to push everything up to $14.99? The e-books mostly look okay, although arguably they could go up to $5.99. I honestly don’t know.

4 thoughts on “Is it time to raise book prices?”

    1. At extremes? Definitely. A 99 cent e-book practically screams “I didn’t have an editor and I bought a stock cover.” $2.99 was as low as I could put FROZEN DREAMS and still have it taken seriously. It’s just that now I wonder whether the magic number is now $4.99.

      1. I’m thinking it’s time to raise prices by $2.30 and start offering a $1.00 discount for your Patreons and other tipsters.


        p.s. the $0.30 is to compensate one of the Moe-lings for comparing Patreons to book orderers. Call it a handling charge, call it an allowance spiff, whatever.

  1. I see lots of the first novels in a series at the $2.99 price point.

    So long as the rest of the series isn’t at that price point, I take it as a statement of confidence.

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